Looking for some fun things to do before the end of your troop year? Check out these great Council programs/events. There are only a few spots left so act quickly—registrations close this week!
Girl Scout Night with the Tides
May 19, 2017, 6:15 p.m.
Harbor Park, Norfolk
Grades: K–12
$12 for the game (includes event patch, hot dog, and soda).
$5 for the overnight.
Game tickets can be purchased by emailing
hmckeating@norfolktides.com or by calling 757-622-2222 ext. 121 or 106. All must pay to attend.
For the overnight,
register by May 15 at
GAB Ice Cream Social
May 21, 2017, 1–2:30 p.m.
A Place for Girls, Chesapeake
Ages: 14–17
GAB (Girls Advisory Board) is hosting an ice cream social. This meeting
is to recruit new girls that want to be involved in providing ideas and
planning Council events for girls just like you. Join us and meet the
girls that are currently on the board and hear from them. Your voice
counts and we are looking for you to join us.
Register by May 15 by emailing
Strawberry Festival Parade
May 27, 2017, 8 a.m.–12 p.m.
Pungo, Virginia Beach
Grades: K–12
$2 per girl (includes event patch).
Register by May 17 at
Publishing Workshops with Blue Dragon Publishing
The Road to Publishing – Workshop 1
Where Do Ideas Come From? – Workshop 2
May 20, 2017
Workshop 1: 10 a.m.–12 p.m.
Workshop 2: 12:30–3 p.m.
A Place for Girls, Chesapeake
Grades: 9–12, adults are welcome to pay and participate.
$15 per participant per workshop.
Sign up for both to save! (Cost: $25)
*Modified program is available for evening, weekday troop meetings upon request.
Have you always wanted to be published but don’t know where to start? Blue Dragon Publishing will walk you through the steps and get you on your way with the “Road to Publishing.” Think about being able to put “published author” on your college application! Having trouble getting your book finished? Stick around for “Where do ideas come from?” where an author will provide you with tools to get your creative juices flowing—and keep them flowing.
Register at